References to Kiwis in the Works of Jules Verne
The book is: Verne, Jules. Les Enfants du Capit. Grant 1868 (the translations are
mine... you have been warned):
C'était le "kiwi" zélandais, "l'aptérix australis" des naturalistes, qui se nourrit indifféremment de larves, d'insectes, de vers ou de semences. Cet oiseau est spécial au pays.
This was the New Zealand "kiwi", called "apterix australis" by naturalists, which feeds indiscriminately on larvae, insects, worms and seeds. This bird is peculiar to the country.
Mais, malgré les récompenses promises aux indigènes, il ne put se procurer un seul kiwi vivant.
But, despite the rewards promised to the natives, he was not able to procure a single living kiwi.
[the next one is a bit shocking to NZ sensibilities... courage mes amis! -mjw]
Ce jour- là, Mac Nabbs et Robert tuèrent trois kiwis, qui figurèrent avec honneur sur la table du campement, mais pas longtemps, pourtout dire, car en quelques minutes ils furent dévorés du bec aux pattes.
That day, Mac Nabbs and Robert killed three kiwis, which took the place of honour on the camp's table, but not for long, to tell the whole story, for in some minutes they had been devoured from beak to claws.
[and it's not over yet...]
Les chasseurs trouvèrent par bandes nombreuses les kiwis si rares au milieu des contrées fréquentées par les maoris. C'est dans ces forêts inaccessibles que se sont réfugiés ces curieux oiseaux chassés par les chiens zélandais. Ils fournirent aux repas des voyageurs une abondante et saine nourriture.
The hunters found large flocks [heck, I'm ashamed to admit I don't know what a group of kiwis is called] of the kiwis which are so rare in those regions frequented by the Maoris. It is in these inaccessible forests that these curious birds, hunted by New Zealand dogs, hide. They furnished for the travellers meals an abundant and wholesome supply of food.
[finally, the kiwis get some slight revenge ]
Jacques Paganel, pendant ses trois jours de captivité chez les maoris, avait été tatoué, mais tatoué des pieds aux épaules, et il portait sur sa poitrine l'image d'un kiwi héraldique, aux ailes éployées, qui lui mordait le coeur. Ce fut la seule aventure de son grand voyage dont Paganel ne se consola jamais et qu'il ne pardonna pas à la Nouvelle- Zélande; ce fut aussi ce qui, malgré bien des sollicitations et malgré ses regrets, l'empêcha de retourner en France.
Jacques Paganel, during his three days of capitivity by the Maoris, had been tatooed - tatooed from feet to sholders - and he bore on his chest the image of a heraldic kiwi, wings spread, which was biting into his heart. This was the sole adventure of his great voyage, which Paganel never quite got over, and for which he did not forgive New Zealand; it was also this which, despite many entreaties, and despite his regrets, prevented him from returning to France
[note: I considered "a kiwi rampant" but a kiwi with wings spread is not
all that impressive, if you think about it]
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